Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Horsey New Year Goals

The beginning of the year! Resolutions are almost a cliché, however there is nothing wrong with making goals and setting the New Year out as a timeline to accomplish them. My Mom always stressed that we should make physical goals, academic goals, relationship goals and spiritual goals. Well, I’m adding to that list with my five “horsey” goals for the New Year.

   1.    Learn how to braid and clip (well)

This one is a little embarrassing because I feel like everyone in the horse industry has known how to braid and clip horses for ages. Except for me. I’ve read articles and read books on how to braid and clip but I have never taken the time practice and learn it hands on. This goal will take time and patience, not only on my part but on my horse’s as well. A fidgety horse would give me good practice right? Also, looking past my pride and asking friends at the barn who have experience in grooming to teach me will be an important step in achieving this goal.

   2.   Stop leaning when I jump

I hear this almost every time I have a jumping lesson. I forget until the horse stops, we rush the jump and especially when my coach yells at me. Making sure that I focus on not leaning, especially when practicing on my own. I have a fear of the horse stopping in front of or (even better) in mid jump. This has resulted in my lean-and-run-at-the-jump approach (I don’t recommend it). I’m planning on having friends video me so I can review my practice and hopefully see some progress.

   3.     Relax when I have lessons

Girl, Outdooors, Posing, Laying In Grass, Dream
More confessions, I have this weird habit of trying so hard to get my position right that my entire body tenses up and I work against the horse. Then I add this extra movement in my post that my coach calls a “double post.” Usually, the horse picks up on my stiffness and the ride goes south. Before every ride I’m hoping to stretch or loosen up so that my lessons can be productive.

   4.     Get to Zone competitions in IHSA

I finally qualified for regionals in Novice on the flat and over fences. I know I’m not the best but I want to work at it and get better. I’m hoping my work and progress will help me get first or second place at the Regional show and get me to Zones!

   5.     Do at least 15 minutes of no stirrup work when I ride

This might be the hardest one for me to keep. Though when I think about it no stirrup work is smart, helpful and a great tool for improvement, when I get on a horse it somehow seems like something I should do tomorrow. No more! Even if I don’t get no stirrup time during lessons, I will try and make my self ride stirrupless for at least 15 minutes when I practice on my own. And not all at a walk either.

So here’s to the New Year and new goals. Hopefully, I’ll remember to revisit these come December and have improved. What are your horsey resolutions? Any tips on how to keep up with them? Comment below!