Friday, February 13, 2015

Ten Reasons Why Winter is Better than Most Horse People Think

           As equestrians, the bad winter weather, increased hay consumption, mud and sludge can give the season a bad name. However, there are always things that we can be thankful for. Cold, muddy horses are better than no horses! When we look at the bright side of anything from winter riding to falls to bad lessons, we can learn and be motivated to keep going back to the barn for more.

1.     If your horse is blanketed, chances are that there is little dirt on the majority of his body! (If he’s not blanketed, he’s probably an adorable, fuzzy teddy bear!)

2.     Because it is not as hot, you spend less time cooling down your  horse and more time in the saddle and having fun. (Just make sure they are totally cooled out and not sweaty before letting them loose.)

3.     Trail rides are beautiful in the snow.
4.    You get to spend quality time with your horse bonding, grooming and learning about his  personality when the ring is frozen and you are stuck in the barn.

5.      You can do all the things you don't have time for when the weather is too good for staying inside! Clipping, mane pulling, fixing the stalls, cleaning the feed and water buckets, tack cleaning etc...

6.       You finally get around to cleaning out all your old tack and supplies to sell, use or give away to make room for new stuff!

7.       When it is impossible to ride, you'll be motivated to work on your own fitness, whether at a gym or at home, to be ready to ride in the spring.

8.      If you fall, your bundles of clothes and/or the snow will cushion your tumble.

9.      You won't sweat as much meaning you can skip that post ride shower, ride longer and still get to places on time! (Or maybe don't forgo the shower).

10.     Your horse will always be there for you whether rain, snow, sludge or shine!


How do you chase off the Winter blues? I would love to know, so, comment and subscribe!

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