Sunday, March 1, 2015

Horse Show Supplies: What's in My Show Bag Part I

Everyone has different things that they always bring to a horse show from bobby pins to baking powder to a lucky penny. While most of the horse shows I attend are Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) and I do not bring my own horse, I still have staples that I will tote to the show grounds. This is by no means an exhaustive list and, if you are bringing your own horse, there are  probably tons of other things that can be brought. In the first part of the supplies posts, I will focus on supplies and tools that I bring. In the second, we will talk about apparel and other miscellaneous bring alongs.

The Bag
To have things in a bag, one must have a bag. Though I also own a Noble Outfitters Doubleheader(tm) day pack -- which I won in a Horse Illustrated contest, -- I usually bring my larger Noble Outfitters Ringside Pack to hold all of my things.

The Ringside Pack has a convenient pouch to hold my helmet, two large compartments and one smaller one. Additionally, there are bottle holders, crop holders and smaller pouches on the side.

Cleaning Supplies
These "keep clean" supplies are usually in high demand because everyone tends to forget them... except you!

  • Rag -- I always bring at least one rag to a show, if not more. Rags are great for all sorts of tasks. From dusting off boots to wiping off benches to getting people's attention my rag is a coveted item that comes to every show.

  • Lint Roller - A lint roller aids the rag in the cleaning realm at a horse show. Getting horse hairs and dust off your show clothes helps to bring class and finesse to your ride.

  • Wrinkle/ Stain remover -- Stains and wrinkles are inevitable, when working with horses. These items help keep you and those that are showing spot on (or off) in the ring.

  • Boot Polish -- Though you probably should have cleaned your boots the night before, having your boot polish with you can help when the unexpected happens to you or your friends.

Show Related Trinkets
Keeping these things in my bag ensures that I don't forget them on those early show mornings. Also, if you carry spares you can lend them as well as have back ups if somethings breaks or gets lost (I'm looking at you hair nets).

  • Crop
  • Hair Nets
  • Gloves
  • Bobby Pins
  • Safety Pins
  • String
  • Sewing Kit 
  • Scissors
  • Hair Bands
  • Your Number-- In IHSA, you have one number your entire show career so I make it a point to keep it in my bag so I don't forget or lose it.

First Aid/ Hygiene Items
I don't bring everything that you would find in a traditional kit but I try to bring most of the things that are needed for minor injuries and ailments. Also, personal hygiene items are great to keep in your show bag in case you (or someone else) forgets. Here is a basic list of things that I keep in a Ziploc bag for every show.

  • Band Aids
  • Ibuprofen
  • Neosporen
  • Cough drops
  • Cotton balls
  • Nail clippers
  • Lotion
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Bio Freeze
  • Tissues
  • Super Glue
  • Masking/Duct Tape

  • Chapstick
  • Deodorant
  • Brush
  • Hair Spray
  • Rubber Bands (I didn't know where else to put them)

Information Supplies
Having supplies that help keep everything straight is essential at a horse show, especially IHSA, but can often be overlooked. Bringing extra of all these things can be super helpful to you, your team mates and your coaches/instructors.

  • Pens
  • Notepad -- for recording placings, writing down class lists and courses, jotting down thoughts on horses and more.
  • Video recorder of some sort -- Whether on your phone, iPad or actual recorder (gasp) it is always helpful to record your rides and review them for future reference.
  • Watch -- I always have a watch on me but having one strapped to you is especially helpful at a horse show.
  • Phone -- Communication is key and yelling is frowned upon at most shows.

I always get hungry at horse shows and, if I'm not careful, will spend way to much money at the concession stand. Here are some snacks that I usually bring to shows to keep energized and not broke.

  • Apples (I love to make dried apples to bring to shows)
  • Bananas
  • Dried fruit
  • Carrot sticks
  • Nuts
  • Candy, Cookies, Junk food--for quick energy (insert furtive glance)
  • Bread and lunch meat/peanut butter
  • Water
  • Caffeine of some sort
  • Plastic utensils
  • Napkins
  • Horse Treats

A Smile and Good Attitude
So, ... I don't always bring these to a show but when I do, the day just seems to go a little better.

So what you keep in your show bag? Do you have any things to add to my list? Let me know in the comments and subscribe for more posts on all things equine!

See part two of "What's in my show bag" here!


  1. Very thorough and helpful tips on what to bring in your horse show bag. One certainly will enjoy going to the horse show more with a prepared bag and the good attitude.

  2. That is a really cool cell phone. Can I get one like that?

    1. Unfortunately, it is an antique relic from long long ago, according to my roommate. Thank for commenting though and I hope you continue to enjoy Ride It!
